Anti-Shock Chainsaw Lanyard with Ring Attachment
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What makes this lanyard for tools so special is how it absorbs forces. In the event that more than 220 – 240 daN act on the lanyard – for example, if your saw gets stuck in a branch you are trying to cut off – the tear webbing will be activated. This reduces the force that acts on the harness, the fall protection system, and the anchor point of the climber to 150 - 180 daN. Thus, our antiSHOCK Tool Lanyard helps prevent injuries.
The webbing is torn open until the impact force has been absorbed. If the saw does not come unstuck again, for example, the webbing will tear open completely after 70 cm, and the tool will drop to the ground. Due to a special pretreatment of the yarns, the elastic webbing is exceptionally abrasion-resistant.
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